Monday, July 29, 2013

Birthdays, Birthdays, and more Birthdays

After being overwhelmed with so many birthday celebrations so far (since June!!) I took a break from the card making. No excuse, I know. But I had forgotten to get one for my brother and told myself "Self, you need to get out if this birthday card funk and make something for that brother of ours!" So, I remembered a little funny something my niece told me on MY birthday and voilà! this was born! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Screen Printing Grows in Brooklyn

A friend of mine asked me a few weeks ago if I'd be interested in taking a workshop in screen printing and I had to jump at the chance to do it! I've ALWAYS wanted to learn but never got around to trying. Well, this time I didn't let the chance pass me by! Below are the pics of my friend and I (I'm the one taking the pics lol) paired off and working on our little screen printed apple with a cute surprise in it!! I'll definitely be investing in screen printing supplies soon....

My friend cutting out our design after I drew it out with a black marker on freezer paper. 

A close up of my friend cutting one of the two layers we're working with. 

Here's the first color going down....

Such a juicy red apple!!!!

We were quite adventurous in applying our design on an old pillow case cut up. My friend is quite crafty and will be making fruit bags! So cute! lol

Lunch time! Fish tacos and two blueberry concoctions (each!) to quench our thirst on a hot July day. 

Lining everything up (registering) so our green doesn't end up off the page or canvas.

Final product! Too cute lol

Monday, June 24, 2013

Bon Voyage!

This is for a coworker who is moving away with their family to Tennessee and I put together a little farewell card.... 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Throwback Thursday #5

This piece was done years ago... I had just graduated high school and working through the Summer Youth Employment and this was one of our assignments. Getting paid to draw? Awesome!!! But don't ask me what this thing is about.... I don't remember lol -- perhaps teen angst?! Or a self portrait of some sort?! Who knows....

Friday, June 14, 2013

A Birthday Sketch

Just taking a quick break and making a birthday card....0

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Where Would Jesus Shop?

A friend from church asked if I would put together an illustration for the Young Adult Ministry had a Theology on Tap and the talk was entitled: "Where would Jesus shop? Catholic Social Justice in a Global Economy" and we came up with this (image is a close up of the illustration):  

Friday, June 7, 2013

Looking to the Future

A couple of days ago a friend and colleague asked me to put together a simple pennant design for an event that was held yesterday. I'm not posting the logo of the actual organization but wanted to share what I was working in this week. :) 

There were three future graduating classes represented: 2028, 2029, and 2030.